1 – The Score
Each submission is given a quality rating on a 100-point scale. Our industry experts regularly judge at the leading global drinks competitions and will be able to give an accurate analysis of how your product might score. This is not a specific competition score but a good indication of a judging outcome.
High resolution IDS digital badge artwork with the result will be provided for print, electronic and social media.
2 – The Tasting Note
A consumer-friendly, detailed, positive independent tasting note of your product that is free to use in your marketing materials. Available in English, with official translations to German, French and other languages available on request. This part of the evaluation can be made public and is ready to be used in your marketing materials. Products that score 85 or over will be published on our social media channels along with the score, unless you wish otherwise.
3 – The Confidential Feedback Letter
Every drink is different and at a different stage of its life and development. Some only seek some positive feedback in the form of an accurate score, others need endorsement and an independent tasting note but most go ahead and use the full service with detailed technical feedback on production, sensory evaluation and comment on design and pricing. We are here to discuss all the aspects of this service with you. We also specialise in building a competition and awards entry strategy specific to your product lines.
Here, we would like to state that our score is decided by independent experts and it is the very score that they would be giving at a competition at a blind tasting event. We are independent and unbiased as our duty is to produce an accurate score reflecting your products quality. This is not a drinks competition but a consultancy service that produces a score.
All of the above will be shared with you and it will be your decision what part to use for your public marketing and what elements to use for product development and benchmarking. Section 1 and 2 are to be used publicly, section 3 is confidential and we recommend using it only internally – this is the part to help product development and we will not be sharing this with anyone else.
What’s the next step?
Please get in touch to discuss your exact needs, our fees and the sample delivery details. Every case is different and we are here to provide a bespoke service to each and every of our clients.
What will you need to send us?
Samples of the product to be tasted by our specialists. First our specialist evaluate the samples blind and after the score is agreed we discuss the rest.
We will need as much technical information, production details and other literature on your produce as you are happy to share in order to get a more accurate and potentially more helpful technical feedback. Please also provide a list of awards and competitions that you have already entered and the results.
The Time Frame:
Given the bespoke and unique nature of our work, some cases can take longer than others. We always try to get your samples tasted and evaluated by the best specialist experts and sometimes it takes longer to send them your creations. We do not have an official timeframe but we are dedicated to serve you as quick as possible.
Please head to the contact page to start a discussion.